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  • Can I get the same plot next year?
    Returning gardeners usually get the same plot—but not always. If you really really want the same plot, let Dana Ferguson know about the time you sign up.
  • Can I use pesticides to control insects and plant diseases?
    Use organic products only, no chemicals, herbicides, pesticides allowed.
  • Can I plant a tree or shrub in my plot?
    It is not a good idea because you may have a different plot next year. Also, you should not shade your neighbors garden.
  • If I am going to be gone during the summer, can someone take care of the garden for me?
    Yes, a friend or family member can help in the garden from time to time. However, you can not transfer the garden to another person if you decide to stop gardening. Only Dana Ferguson can transfer plot ownership.
  • When can I start working in my plot?
    After you get a notification to go ahead and your plot number in April. It is best to begin with soil improvement (tilling or weed removal) and putting up a garden fence. Don't plant too soon if there is a chance of freezing in Minnesota.
  • May I plant perennial flowers or vegetables? Also can I keep some plants growing past the October close out date?
    Generally all plants must be cut to under 10 inches at the close of the season, around the middle of October. This green material should be piled along the road on the compost heap. There are some perennial flowers and vegetables you may want to keep growing later or for the following year such as asparagus or kale. If you want to leave those growing and tall, contact Dana Ferguson so she knows, and put some notification on the plants, so the managers don't chop them down.
  • Why can't we use online payment this year?
    We want everyone to attend in-person training to emphasize the rules. Also we want to double check the addresses to stop multiple plots going to one person.
  • Will I have access to shared tools?
    Yes, they are stored by the shed
  • How can I store fencing and post over the winter?
    We ask that all fencing and your posts be taken down. Never remove the four metal stakes the mark the outside of your garden. To save your fencing you can do one of these things: Take your fencing and posts home if you have space there. (safest) Take the fencing and posts down and hide them in the forest someplace. (Many gardeners do this) Take the fencing and posts down and lay them in your garden. As long as they don't stick up this is OK, but there is a slight risk of someone taking your materials in the spring. Place the fencing and posts near the storage shed. Putting your things there implies that anyone can take it. Best if you plan to leave the gardens the next year.

Help Preserve Rice Street Gardens 

Contact us:
Dana Ferguson 612.481.7299

Garden address:19​​58 Rice Street, Maplewood MN 55113

Mailing address: 145 N. McCarrons Blvd. Roseville MN 55113

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